Coal Festival Committee Establishes Blossburg State Coal Festival Scholarship

BLOSSBURG, PA (April 3, 2018)… The Blossburg State Coal Festival has announced that they will be awarding a $500 scholarship to a local high school student in place of their traditional Coal Festival King and Queen during the 2018 Blossburg Coal Festival.

Students who are enrolled in Southern Tioga School District, New Covenant Academy or reside within the Southern Tioga School District boundaries but are homeschooled, are juniors or seniors and are either already accepted to or have plans to pursue a post-secondary education are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Applicants are asked to write an essay on what the coal industry has done for this region. Essays will then be reviewed by a selection committee made up of Coal Festival committee members and select individuals from the local community. The scholarship will be awarded during the Royalty Pageant on Friday, May 25, 2018.

Those wishing to apply for this scholarship should return their essay and the completed paperwork found on the Coal Festival website to the address listed. Essays must be received no later than Wednesday, May 16, 2018. The scholarship recipient must be available to participate in the Coal Festival parade on Saturday, May 26, 2018.

The Prince and Princess contest will be held as normal. Applications for the Prince and Princess contest can be found by visiting the Coal Festival’s website, social media pages, picked up at the following businesses: Blossburg Boro Office, Blossburg Hardware, Momma’s Restaurant, the Brick Tavern, and the Blossburg branch of First Citizens National Bank. Applications must be received no later than Wednesday, May 16, 2018.

The Blossburg State Coal Festival has been held on Blossburg’s Island Park annually since 1992 and celebrates the area’s rich history in the coal mining industry. For more information on the history of the festival and for the latest schedule of events, please visit the festival’s website at